For the launch of new colors in our Mommy and Me collection, we’re celebrating motherhood. Since motherhood is a unique journey for every mama, we’re listening to diverse stories from our community. We got to chat with Melissa Sonico, a college English professor, freelance writer, jewelry designer, and content creator about the perspective kids can provide, what they can teach you, and making time for creativity.

What's something you've learned about yourself since becoming a mother that you love?
I love seeing myself through my kids’ eyes. I was just thinking the other day that they’re probably the people who see me in my most organic, natural form—at all hours of the day, tired, laughing, frumpy. It’s important to learn that you’re able to be loved unconditionally at your most real.
What’s the hardest part about being a mother? Maybe something you weren’t expecting?
No matter how much time you may or may not be able to set aside for yourself, your life is no longer your own—in an amazing, fulfilling, but sometimes frustrating way. You no longer make decisions based only on how they might affect you. That’s kind of frightening, but I’m also so grateful to have that in my life.

What's one thing your kid(s) have taught you about yourself?
Besides showing me how little patience I have? But seriously, they’ve taught me that things don’t always have to go as planned and sometimes even better things come to be in the process.
What's one piece (or pieces) of your identity that you love that's separate from being a mom?
At the moment I’m working on a collection of short fiction. It’s completely and totally my own, and whenever I make time for myself it’s usually in service of that—whether it’s writing or reading or trying to find inspiration for it.

What's one thing you want to teach your kid(s) about their relationship with themselves?
I’m really hoping I can help them learn to be gentle with themselves—and that they should never feel the need to apologize for being who they are.
What's your go-to, feel-good Beyond Yoga outfit?
I love BY half-zips and hoodies and anything Spacedye. So soft.

What do you want to teach your kid(s) about style?
They’ve already got great, unique instincts when it comes to how they like to dress. I think I would just want to make sure they don’t lose that to try to conform.
What do you wear to #moveinbeyond with your kid(s)?
Definitely the Spacedye sets!

Where can the BY community find you IRL or online?
You can follow along @melissasonico on Instagram!

Photography byYe Rin Mok